A story over tea!

Created by Busi 3 years ago

So my daughter has this saying she heard:  There is nothing like mother daughter gosip over tea.  Girl today I would be telling you about how the jelly beans are no longer in the same packet.  He is doing ok. I am again reminded why I should never make perminant decisions over temporary situations.  I have grown so much over the past almost 4 years without you. Edson starts college on the 15th of August and girl there is some MADNESS called COVID 19.  Eish this you did not miss.  I would have been so challenged and continually in prayer over your health!  Alice had a nasty bout of this virus thankfully she made it.  Mom is freezing tomatoes today and is doing amazingly well.  Girl I think this is theraputic for me and will have heavenly cyber tea dates whenever I have news!

 I havent been paid 4 months as off tomorrow 31/7/2020.  We eat daily God is good.  Your in law is doing well looking afer us.  I have not made any income but as off August the hustle is on!  Tea date done!  Oh Terri and Tody getting hitched finally 22/8/2020. Still some good days going on. xoxo