25th December 2017
If she were to read this I would say Baby girl made it again. We would talk about our growing up Christmas memories. For this year Mazoe Hotel lunch comes to mind. Mum and Dad, Innocent, Me, you and Manya. The Sigs, Oscar, Oliver, Rita and Owen, don't think Julian was there yet. The long table laid up for us. The joy of family and good food. As I hear Mr M who is with mom is driving a distance in their white Christmas year in Indy I think and am grateful for tradition that is continuing with his family. Christmas has always been our thing! So the hubby (yours) worked through this Christmas he kind of took his holiday time with the girls in November. I thought of you a span yesterday on Christmas eve. My non censored go to person. Pane things only YOU would get. I thank God for Gladys she was my confidant on yesterdays dramas! Church service today was the bomb! Its the 2nd Christmas with you on the other side of eternity. My love has not diminished! I would say...Merry Christmas and look forward to 2018 with you! Loved to eternity and beyond!
This candle went out on 26th January 2018.